Photographer: Josh Paul Thomas

Styling – Matthew Marble, Karen Veliz (Ass.)
Make Up - William Lemon, Miho Suzuki (Ass.)
Hair - Johnny Stuntz, Taylor Stevenson (Ass.)


Casting - Shay Nielson

Models - Alexandra Hischier, Adam Bielkheden, Anna Bjelkheden, Brooks Krichmar, Catherine Cooper, Dennis Condusta, Henry Coin, Jared North, Jeremy Lingvall, Lucia Ribisi, Nana G, Parker Todd Brooks, Sylvia Kochinski, Tzef Montana


Shoes - Camper & Bernhard Willhelm Together

Sunglasses - Mykita & Bernhard Willhelm
Nail Polish - Uslu Airlines for Bernhard Willhelm

Jewelry - Sonia Boyajian for Bernhard Willhelm

Doll Sculptures by Nathalie Dierickx

Print motifs based on animated GIFs by Alec Mackenzie & Gustavo Torres

Special thanks to the California Institute of the Arts and Niko Karamyan